Low Emission Mobile Trucks (LEMTs)


Rangel & Partners Low Emission Mobile Truck (LEMT) Division was launched as a countermeasure to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are proud to be recognised amongst the most eco-friendly and sustainable digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising platforms.

The three clear objectives for each project we undertake are as follows:

EMBRACE the vibrancy of the event / occasion. SUPPORT a charity / good cause. PARTNER with brands that champion sustainability and community.


We are committed to helping reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions via our fleet of Low Emission Trucks (LEMTs).

Our fleet of LEMTs are run on Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) which have a direct and positive impact on local air quality, particularly in urban areas where poor air quality is directly attributed to Petrol and Diesel engines.

  • LPG run vehicles produce 33% less CO2 emissions than petrol and 45% less CO2 emissions than diesel.
  • LPG run vehicles produce up to 82% less Nitrogen Oxide pollutants than petrol and 99% less Nitrogen Oxide pollutants than diesel. 
  • LPG run vehicles produce 63% less Carbon Monoxide.
  • LPG run vehicles produce 40% less Hydrocarbons than petrol and 70% less Hydrocarbons than diesel.
  • LPG run vehicles produce 50% less particulate matter than petrol and 98% less particulate matter than diesel.

Further to these significant reductions in harmful emissions, each LEMT is wrapped with the latest state-of-the-art LED screen technology. LED lighting is efficient, long-lasting and low maintenance, making it the ideal display technology to sustainably impact our environment.


Our LEMT Division currently operates across fourteen major European cities and eight major North America cities.

Our national and international clients can confidently deliver their brand advertising messages (TV spots / stills) in a unique and cost-effective manner in the knowledge that their Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) values are protected.

We welcome engaging with national and international organisations that place sustainability and community at the forefront of their operations. Contact our LEMT Team directly on: +44 203 840 9211 or chat with us via the WhatsApp messaging system.

Contact the LEMT Team:


Contact us on WhatsApp and we will happy to assist you!
